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Q bank - 15000+ Questions, Images Bank, High yield points 400 + pages of soft copy notes - Made by Toppers of Exam 20+ Subject wise test 15 Grand test
NEET Recalls 2017
NEET Recalls 2018
NEET Recalls 2019
NEET Recalls 2020
NEET Recalls 2021
INI-CET Recalls November 2020
May 2017
May 2016
Terms and Definitions
Embryogenesis Introduction
Dermatones and Myotones
Development of Face
Development of Palate and Tongue
Pharyngeal Arches and Pouches
Basics and Terminologies
Epithelium and Glands
Collagen And Elastic Fibres
Larynx - Part 1
Base of Skull and Foramina - MUST LEARN
The Mandible
Temporomandibular joint
Anterior Triangle Of Neck
Posterior Triangle Of Neck
Supra Hyoid Muscles
Cervical Spine
Salivary Glands
Larynx - Part 2
Thyroid Gland
Cranial Nerves Part 1
Cranial Nerves Part 2
Cranial Nerves Part 3
Cranial Nerves Part 4
Cranial Nerve Nuclei
Infratemporal fossa
Pterygopalatine fossa
Dural Sinuses
Cavernous Sinus
Cerebrum and Broadmann Area
Anatomy - Brain
Neuroanatomy Test
Anatomy - Cranial Nerve - 1
Anatomy - Cranial Nerve & ANS - 2
Anatomy - Cranial Nerve - 2
Anatomy - Cranial Nerve - 3
Anatomy - General Osteology
Anatomy - Skull Bones
Anatomy - Larynx
Anatomy - Spinal Column
Anatomy - Tongue
Anatomy - Vessels Of Brain
Anatomy - Histology - 1
Anatomy - Histology - 2
Anatomy - Embryology
Anatomy - Head and Neck Embryology
Anatomy - Neuro Muscular Embryology
Anatomy - Skin, connective tissue
Anatomy - Neck Vessels
Anatomy - Dural Venous Sinus
Anatomy - Cervical Ganglia and Reflexes
General embryology
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland exam
Nasal cavity and Paranasal Sinis Test
Salivary glands Test
Anatomy - Test 1
Anatomy - Test 2
Disc Prolapse (Imaging) #2
Lumbar Puncture Procedure #3
Lateral Pterygoid #4
Medial Pterygoid #5
Scalp - layers #6
Muscles of Neck #7
Vocal Cord #8
Larynx - Cartilage #9
Hematopoiesis Flow chart #10
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Epithelium #11
Hyaline cartilage #12
Elastic cartilage #13
Fibrocartilage #14
Transitional Epithelium #15
Innervation of lacrimal gland #16
Medial wall of nasal cavity #17
Rexed laminae #18
Circle of willis #19
Innervations of tongue #20
Muscles of tongue #21
Dural venous sinus #22
Roof of nasal cavity #23
Case #1
Case #2
Case #3
Case #4
Case #5
Case #6
Case #7
Case #8
Case #9
Case #10
Vertebral Curves #1
Ligament in Vertebra #2
Conus Vs Cauda #3
Synovial Cells #4
Clavicle #5
CSF #6
Spinal cord features #7
Pupillary reflex #8
Pupillary abnormalities #9
TMJ Joint #10
Derivatives of Pharyngeal arches #11
First Arch Syndrome #12
Derivatives of Germ Layers #13
Derivatives of Neural Crest Cells #14
Embryology of Brain #15
Cell Cycle #16
Mitosis #17
Classification of Epithelia #18
Holocrine, Merocrine and Apocrine Glands #19
Head anomalies due to synostosis #20
Walls of Orbit #21
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis #22
Muscles of Eye and its functions #23
Kiesselbach plexus #24
Bell's palsy #25
Cell Organelles
Membrane Potential
Body Fluid Physiology
Nerve Physiology
Muscle Physiology
Cardio-Vascular Physiology - Conduction and AP
Cardio-Vascular Physiology - Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output And Blood Pressure
Blood Vessels and Blood Flow
Vascular Resistance and Formulae
Respiratory Physiology - Basics and Volumes
Obstructive Vs Restrictive Lung Disease
Renal Physiology - Basics
Glomerular Filtration
Counter current Mechanism
Endocrine Physiology - Pituitary
Physiology - Thyroid and Parathyroid
Calcium Metabolism
Gastro-Intestinal Physiology - Stomach
Gastro-Intestinal Physiology - Intestine
Blood Plasma
Physiology - Cell Organelles
Physiology - TRANSPORT
Physiology - Homeostasis
Physiology - WBCs & IMMUNITY
Physiology - Platelets and Coagulation
Physiology - Cardiovascular Physiology - Basics
Physiology - Cardiovascular Regulatory Mechanisms
Physiology - Cardiovascular System - Circulation
Physiology - Cardiovascular Physiology - Applied
Physiology - Muscle Physiology - Applied
Physiology - Nerve - Basics
Physiology - Nerve - Physiology Applied
Physiology - Renal Blood Flow and Counter Current System
Physiology -Respiratory Physiology - Diffusion of Gases and Oxygen Transport
Physiology - Digestion and Absorption
Physiology - Gastrointestinal Physiology - Gi Motility
Physiology - Gastrointestinal Physiology - Gi Hormones
Physiology - Respiratory Physiology - Regulation and CO2 Transport
Physiology - Endocrine Physiology & Pituitary
Physiology - Endocrine Physiology and Pituitary
Physiology - Endocrine Physiology - Calcium Homeostasis and Miscellaneous
Physiology - Test 1
Physiology - Test 2
Cell Transport #1
Poiseuille’s equation #2
Gastric Mucosa #3
Intestinal Absorption #4
Hb Dissociation curve #5
Excitatory cells in Cerebral Cortex #7
Important Broadmann Areas #8
Spinal Tract #9
Decerebration #10
Decortication #11
UMN vs LMN palsy #12
Cerebellum 3,4,5 #13
Cerebellar Tracts #14
Sham Rage reaction #15
Receptors #2
Cheyne stokes breathing #3
Dissociation Curve #4
Spirometer #5
Layers of Retina #6
Visual Pathway #7
Eye Muscle Action #8
Organ Of corti #9
Olfactory Pathway #10
Motor and somato sensory areas #11
Functional areas of cerebral cortex #12
Dorsal column lemniscal pathway #13
Structure of large neuron #14
Spinal column #15
Feedback mechanism of endocrine axis #16
Chemistry And Basics of Carbohydrates
Glycogen Metabolism
Cori Cycle & HMP Pathway
Amino Acid
Protein Structure
Urea Cycle
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water Soluble Vitamins
Minerals and Trace Elements
Nucleic Acids and DNA/RNA
Replication, Transcription and Translation
Biochemistry - Chemistry of Carbohydrates
Biochemistry - Metabolism of Carbohydartes
Biochemistry - Glycolysis Metabolism
Biochemistry - TCA and Electron Transport Chain
Biochemistry - Glycogen Metabolism and Glyconeogenesis
Biochemistry - HMP Pathway
Biochemistry - Chemistry of Amino Acid
Biochemistry - Metabolism of Amino Acid
Biochemistry - Proteins
Biochemistry - Urea Cycle and Its Disorders
Biochemistry - Heme Metabolism Admin
Biochemistry - Lipids - Basics
Biochemistry - Fatty Acid Metabolism
Biochemistry - Cholesterol Metabolism
Biochemistry - Phospholipids
Biochemistry - Organisation and Packing of DNA
Biochemistry - DNA Replication and Repair
Biochemistry - DNA Replication and Repair - 2
Biochemistry - Genetic Mutation and Regulation of Gene
Biochemistry - RNA Synthesis
Biochemistry - Fat Soluble Vitamins
Biochemistry - Images
Calorie Content #1
Obesity related diseases #2
Fat-Soluble Vitamins #3
Non- Competitive inhibitor #4
Amino Acid and Special Products #5
Carbohydrate Absorption #6
Benedicts Test #7
Enantiomers #8
Primary Protein Structure #9
Secondary protein structure #10
Protein Structure Organisation #11
Denaturation of proteins #12
Scurvy #13
Enthalpy and Entropy #14
Lac Operon #15
Xanthoma/Xanthelasma #1
Casal Necklace #2
Lactosazone #3
Fouchet Test #4
Benedicts Test #5
Agaorse gel electrophoresis #6
PCR #7
Riboflavin deficiency #8
Rothera Test #9
Gout #10
Glycolysis #11
Citric acid cycle #12
Causes of hemolytic anemia #13
Electron transport chain #14
Utilization of ketone bodies #15
Glucose alanine cycle #16
Vitamin D deficiency #17
Vitamin A deficiency #18
LDL metabolism #19
Staining Tecqniques
General Bacteriology
Bacterial Genetics
Bacterial Division
Culture Media
Classification Of Bacteria
Immunology -Basics
T - Lymphocytes
Systemic bacteriology- Gram +ve #1
Systemic bacteriology- Mycobacterium #2
Systemic bacteriology- Gram negative #3
Systemic bacteriology- Spirochetes #4
Virology #1
Virology- retroviridae #2
Microbiology - General Bacteriology - 1
Microbiology - General Bacteriology - 2
Microbiology - Systemic Bacteriology - 1
Microbiology - Systemic Bacteriology - 2
Microbiology - Mycobacteria
Microbiology - Mycobacterium - 2
Microbiology - Spirochetes
Microbiology - Atypical Bacteria
Microbiology - Miscellaneous Bacteriology
Microbiology - Immunology - Cells and Functions
Microbiology - Complement System
Microbiology - Immunodeficiency Disorders
Microbiology - Cases & Images - Immunology
Microbiology - Arbo Virus
Microbiology - Herpes Virus
Microbiology - Myxo Virus
Microbiology - Hepatitis Virus
Microbiology - Retro Virus -1
Microbiology - Retro Virus - 2
Microbiology - Cases & Images - Virology
Microbiology - Mycology 1
Microbiology - Mycology - 2
Microbiology - Cases & Images - Mycology
Microbiology - Cestodes and Trematodes - 2
Microbiology -Cestodes and Trematodes
Microbiology - Nematodes
Microbiology - Cases & Images - Parasitology
Microbiology - Protozoa - 1
Microbiology - Protozoa - 2
General Microbiology
HIV and CD 4 count #1
Vaccines #2
Chandler Index - Hook Worm #3
Agglutination tests #4
Syphilis Diagnosis #5
Malaria Life Cycle #6
Tuberculin test/ Mantoux test #7
Dark Field Microscope #8
Cilia and Flagella #9
Acid Fast Stain technique #10
Different types of Rashes and their Spread #11
Types of motility #12
Elek Gel precipitation test #13
Erythrasma #1
Pin worm #2
Giardia #3
Antibiotic Sensitivity Disk #4
LJ Medium - #5
Growth Curve of Bacteria #6
Bacterial Conjugation #7
Bacterial Morphology - #8 (Important)
Dental Plaque on Erythrosin Stain #9
Staph Aureus #10
Hemolysis in Blood Agar #11
Diphteria #12
Neisseria In Pairs ! #13
MacConkey Agar #14
Satellitism #15
India Ink #16
Catalase test #17
Autoclave #18
Human retrovirus #19
Herpes virus #20
Disseminated zoster infection #21
Cell Cycle and Stem Cells
Cellular Adaptation
Intracellular Accumulation
Acute Inflammation
Inflammatory Mediators
Chronic Inflammation
Morphology of Inflammation
Wound Healing
Edema and Congestion
Neoplasia Basics - Benign vs Malignant
Molecular Hallmarks of Cancer
Proto-Oncogens and Tumour Supressor genes
Genetic Mutations
Mendelian Inheritance
Chromosomal Disorders
Nutritional Anemia
Hemolytic anemia
Non-Neoplastic WBS Disorders
Acute Leukemia
Pathology - Cell - Basics
Pathology - Cellular Adaptation
Pathology - Intracellular Accumulation
Pathology - Inflammation - 1
Pathology - Inflammation -2
Pathology - Wound Healing and Repair
Pathology - Hemodynamic Disorders
Pathology - Genetic Basics And Mendelian Inheritance - 1
Pathology - Non- Mendelian Inheritance
Pathology - Chromosomal Disorders
Pathology - Genetic Diagnosis
Pathology - Immunology Basics and Hypersensitiviy
Pathology - Auto-immunity and Amyloidosis
Pathology - Basics and Molecular Pathogenesis of cancer - 1
Pathology - Basics and Molecular Pathogenesis of cancer - 2
Pathology - Clinical Features and Diagnosis of cancer
Pathology - ParaNeoplastic syndrome
Pathology - Hematopoiesis
Pathology - Iron Deficiency Anemia
Pathology - Megaloblastic anemia
Pathology - Disorders of RBC Membrane
Pathology - Thrombosis
Pathology - Coagulation and Abnormalities
Pathology - Blood Banking
Pathology - Transfusion Reaction 1
Pathology - Transfusion Reaction 2
Pathology - Hemolytic Anemia
Pathology - Hemolytic Anemia (2)
Pathology - Leukemia.
Pathology - RHD and IE
Pathology - Pneumoconiosis and Pneumonia
Pathology - Breast and Thyroid
Pathology - Glomerulonephritis - 1
General Pathology
Cell death #1
Pro vs Anti #2
Inflammatory Mediators #3
Stem cells #4
Ehler Danlos Syndrome #5
Immunodeficiency Diseases #6
Transplant #7
Inheritance - AD #8
Inheritance - AR #9
Inheritance #10
Inheritance -XLD #11
Complement System #12
Endogenous Pigments #13
Amyloid and Pathologies #14
Howell Jolly #1
RS cel #2
Starry sky appearance #3
Aure Rod #4
Urine Crystals #5
Miliary Tuberculosis #6
Megaloblastic anemia #7
Hypochromic microcytic anemia #8
Diffuse alvelolar damage seen in ARDS #9
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia #10
Severe epithelial dysplasia #11
Pemphigus vulgaris #12
Flow of genetic information #13
Secondary syphilis #14
Lepromatous leprosy #15
Tuberculoid leprosy #16
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Trials and Research
Cholinergic System
Adrenergic System
Alpha and Beta Blockers
CVS Drugs - 1
CVS Drugs -2 (Anti HT)
Antibiotics - Classification
Antibiotics - 1
Antibiotics - 2
One Liners Antibiotics
Anti-fungal Drugs
Anti Viral Drugs
HIV post exposure prophylaxis
Anti Platelet Drugs
General Anesthesia
Local Anesthetics
Drugs Against Ulcers
Pharmacology - General Pharmacology - Pharmacokinetics & Dynamics
Pharmacology - General Pharmacology - Clinical Trials
Pharmacology Problems
Pharmacology - Clinical trial & Misc
Pharmacology - ANS - Parasympatholytic System
Pharmacology - ANS - Para Sympathetic System
Pharmacology - Sympathetic System
Pharmacology - Sympatholytic
Pharmacology - ANS - Drugs used in Glaucoma
Pharmacology - NSAIDs
Pharmacology - Antimigraine and gout
Pharmacology - Respiratory system
Pharmacology - Diuretics
Pharmacology - Antihypertensive
Pharmacology - MI & Angina
Pharmacology - Cardiac Failure
Pharmacology - Antiarrythmic
Pharmacology - Antiplatelets, Fibrinolytic and Antifibrinolytic
Pharmacology - Hypothalamus & Pitutary
Pharmacology - Hypolipedemic
Pharmacology - Gonadal Hormones & OCP
Pharmacology - Adrenals & Steroids
Pharmacology - Thyroid
Pharmacology - OHA
Pharmacology - Classification and General Principals
Pharmacology - Protein Synthesis Inhibitors
Pharmacology - Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors
Pharmacology - Sulfonamides & Quinolones
Pharmacology - ATT
Pharmacology - Anti Leprosy
Pharmacology - Antimalarial
Pharmacology - Other Antimicrobials
Pharmacology - Anti viral & HIV
Pharmacology - Anti Fungal
Pharmacology - Anti Protozoal and Antihelminthetics
Pharmacology - Antipeptic disease & IBD
Pharmacology - Antihistamine
Pharmacology - Anti-emetic
Pharmacology - Alkylating agents
Pharmacology - GA
Pharmacology - LA
Pharmacology - SMR
Pharmacology - Sedatives and Hypnotics
Pharmacology - Analgesic & opids
Pharmacology - Anti Psychotics
Pharmacology - Antidepressant and Antianxiety
Pharmacology - Antimaniac
Pharmacology - Antiparkinsons
Pharmacology - Antiepilptics
Pharmacology - Newer Anti Epileptics
Pharmacology - Androgens & Impotence
Pharmacology - Metabolites
Pharmacology - Test 1
Pharmacology - Test 2
Essential Medicine #1
Zero Order Kinetics #2
Teratogen #3
Teratogenic Drugs #4
Renal Failure and Drugs #5
G-Protein Coupled Transduction #6
Antimicrobials in liver disease #7
Day care Anesthetics #8
Gas Cylinder colour coding #9
Concentrations and uses of Adrenaline #10
Gum Hypertrophy #1
Livedo reticularis #2
Hypertrichosis #3
Hand Foot syndrome #4
Red Man Syndrome #5
Sickle cell anemia
Transfusion Reaction
Para Neoplastic Syndromes
Respiratory Failure
Sleep Apnea
HLA/MHC Complex
Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Sjogrens Syndrome
Behcets Syndrome
Graves Disease
Thyroid Crisis
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Sick euthyroid syndrome.
Cushing Syndrome
Diabetes - Types and Criteria
Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs
Insulin Therapy
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Trigeminal neuralgia (Tic douloureux)
Visual Pathway and Field Defects
Bell's Palsy
COVID 19 Module 1
COVID 19 Module 2
Zika Virus
Medicine - Clinical Skills and Findings - 1
Medicine - Clinical skills and Findings - 2
Medicine - Clinical Skills and Finding - 3
Medicine - Clinical skills and Findings - 4
Medicine - Clinical Skills and Findings - 5
Medicine - Clinical skills and finding - 6
Medicine -CVS Basics and Diagnosis - 1
Medicine-CVS - Basics and Diagnosis - 2
Medicine - Heart Failure
Medicine - Hypertension
Medicine - Infective Endocarditis
Medicine - Stroke - 1
Medicine - Stroke - 2
Medicine - Headache
Medicine - CNS Infection
Medicine - Dementia
Medicine - Involuntary movements
Medicine - Parkinson
Medicine - Peptic Ulcer Disease And Related Disorders
Medicine - Jaundice
Medicine - Respiration - Normal and Abnormal
Medicine - Respiratory Failure and ARDS
Medicine - Allergy and Asthma
Medicine - Vasculitis - 1
Medicine - Vasculitis - 2
Medicine - SLE APLA
PSM - Respiratory Infections
PSM - Intestinal Infections
PSM - Arthropod Infections
PSM - Zoonoses
PSM - Surface Infections and STD
PSM - Emerging and Remerging
PSM - Noso-Comial Infections
PSM - Hospital Waste Management
PSM - Infectious Disease
COVID - 19
General Medicine Test 1
General Medicine Test 2
pO2 #1
Asthma #2
Fatty Liver #4
Hemochromatosis #5
Features of Inheritance #7
Bells Palsy #1
Mediastinal Mass #2
Triangle of Koch #3
Wrist Sign #5
ECG - 1 Basics.
Surgical Wound
Healing by Primary & Secondary Intention
Wound Contamination and Infection
Sutures and Needles
Pre-operative assessment
Post-operative haemorrhage
Fluid management
Varicose veins
Peripheral Nerve Injury
Nasal Fractures
Salivary Gland Tumours
Parotid Abscess
Frey Syndrome
Thyroid - Congenital Anamolies
Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Thyroid Cancer
MEN Syndrome
Extradural haematoma
Subdural haematoma
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Surgery - General Surgery - Integrated Cases
Surgery - Endocrine - Integrated Cases
Surgery - Thyroid and Parathyroid - 2
Surgery - Thyroid and Parathyroid- 1
Surgery - Salivary Gland
Throat - Pharyngeal tumours
Throat - Congenital Diseases
Throat - Laryngeal Palsy
Throat - Laryngeal Tumours
Throat - Neck Space Infections
Ear - Facial nerve
Basics and Fractures
Fracture Complication and Treatment
Neck and Spine
General Surgery Test
Potts Disease #1
Diathermy #2
Krukenbery Tumour #3
Curling ulcer #4
Intestinal Obstruction #5
Cricothyroidotomy #6
Tracheostomy #7
Horizontal Mattress #1
Vertical Mattress #2
Continuous & Interrupted #3
Barrets Esophagus #4
Properties of Materials
Impression Materials
Tarnish and Corrosion
Gypsum Products
Restorative Resins
Etchant and Bonding Agent
Curing Lights
Cements- GIC and Silicate cement
Cements- Zinc Phosphate, Zinc polycarboxylate
Cements- Resin Cements, Calcium Hydroxide
Cavity Varnish, Liner and Base
Dental Amalgam
Dental Ceramics
Dental Waxes
Metallurgy- Cast Metal Alloys
Metallurgy- Wrought Metal Alloys
Direct Filling Gold
Investment Materials
Casting Procedure
Abrasives and Polishing Agents
Soldering and Welding
Implant Materials
Properties of materials - 1
Properties of materials - 2
Properties of materials - 3
Impression materials - 1
Impression materials - 2
Impression materials - 3
Tarnish and corrosion - 1
Tarnish and corrosion - 2
Gypsum products - 1
Gypsum products - 2
Restorative resins - 1
Restorative resins - 2
Restorative resins - 3
Cements - 1.
Cements - 2.
Amalgam - 1.
Amalgam - 2.
Biocompatibility - 1
Biocompatibility - 2
Ceramics - 1
Ceramics - 2
Dental waxes - 1
Dental waxes - 2
Implant material and properties
Abrasives and polishing agents - 1
Abrasives and polishing agents - 2
Investment and Casting - 1
Investment and Casting - 2
Direct Filling Gold.
Metallurgy - 1
Metallurgy - 2
Dental Materials - Test 1
Dental Materials - Test 2
Ames Test
Ring Liners
Disinfection of Impression Materials
Generations of Bonding agents
Shade selection
Stress- Strain curve
Characteristics of Luting cements- A Comparison
Amalgam tatoo #1
Rim lock tray #2
Spot Welder #3
Biostar Machine #4
Prophy jet #5
Micro and Macrohardness tests #6
Shore and Barcol tester #7
Case Scenario #1
Development of teeth
Periodontal Ligament
Alveolar Bone
Physiologic tooth Movement- Eruption
Physiologic Tooth Movement- Shedding
Oral Mucous Membrane
Junctions of Oral Mucosa
Anatomy of Primary teeth
Anatomy of Permanent Teeth
Cuspal Forms
Dental Anatomy and Histology- Chronology of Dentition - 1
Dental Anatomy and Histology- Chronology of Dentition - 2
Dental Anatomy and Histology- Chronology of Dentition -3
Dental anatomy- Deciduous teeth - 1
Dental anatomy- Deciduous teeth - 2
Dental anatomy- Permanent dentition -1
Dental anatomy- Permanent dentition -2
Dental anatomy- Permanent dentition - 3
Dental anatomy- Permanent dentition - 4
Development of Teeth - 1.
Development of Teeth -2.
Dental anatomy- Enamel - 1
Dental anatomy- Enamel - 2
Dental anatomy- Enamel - 3
Dentin - 1
Dental anatomy- Pulp - 1
Dental anatomy- Pulp - 2
Dental anatomy- Cementum
PDL (Periodontal ligament)
Bone - Dental Anatomy
Eruption and Shedding
Salivary Glands-1.
Salivary Glands - 2.
Oral mucous membrane - 1.
Oral mucous membrane -2.
Oral mucous membrane -3.
TMJ and Maxillary sinus.
Dental Anatomy & Histology - Test
Dentogingival Fibres
Taste and Taste Buds
Primary Enamel Cuticle
Chronology of Primary Dentition
Chronology of Permanent Dentition
Occlusal Schemes of Different Teeth
Lymphatic drainage of Head and Neck Structures
Denta Lamina #1
Bud Stage #2
Incisive Foramen #3
Enamel Knot #4
Hunter Schreger Bands #5
Cap Stage #6
Pulp organ #7
Concresence #8
Summary of tooth formation #9
Advanced cap stage #10
Gubernacular Canal #11
Lymphatic drainage of Head and Neck #12
Developmental disturbances- Lips and Tongue
Developmental disturbances- Teeth
Developmental Alterations in Tooth Shape
Developmental abnormalities in Enamel and Dentin
Benign Epithelial Pathology
Oral Submucous Fibrosis
Odontogenic Tumors- Ameloblastoma
Histopathology of caries
Theories of Dental caries
Wound Healing- general
Healing of oral wounds
Orofacial Syndromes
Oral wound healing - 1
Oral wound healing - 2
Pathology of Bone - 1
Pathology of Bone - 2
Pathology of Bone - 3
Pathology of Skin - 1
Pathology of Skin - 2
Pathology of Skin - 3
Spread of infections - 1
Spread of infections - 2
Spread of infections - 3
Physical and chemical injuries - 1
Physical and chemical injuries - 2
Salivary Gland Pathology - 1
Salivary Gland Pathology - 2
Salivary Gland Pathology - 3
Odontogenic cysts - 1
Odontogenic cysts - 2
Dental caries - 1.
Dental caries - 2.
Developmental anomalies - 1.
Developmental anomalies -2.
Developmental anomalies -3.
Developmental anomalies - 4.
Benign and malignant Non Odontogenic tumors
Benign and malignant Non Odontogenic tumors - 2
Odontogenic tumors
Odontogenic tumors -2
Metabolic diseases - 1.
Metabolic diseases - 2.
Hematological diseases - 1
Hematological diseases - 2
Infections -1.
Infections -2.
Infections - 3.
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues - 2
Diseases of periodontium
Diseases of periodontium - 2
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine - Test 1
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine - Test 2
Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine - Test 3
Bowens Disease #1
Turner's Hypoplasia #2
Types of Supernumerary teeth #3
Types of Kaposi Sarcoma #4
Orofacial pain #5
Anomalies of Pulp cavity #6
Bone Tumour #6
Skin lesions #7
Bacteria and caries #8
Splints in TMD #9
Hutchinson's Teeth #1
Mulberry Molar #2
Fusion #3
Gemination #4
Leukoedema #5
Nicotine stomatitis/ Smoker's palate #6
Lentigo maligna melanoma #7
Pyogenic granuloma #8
Eppulis fissuratum #9
Peripheral giant cell granuloma #10
Traumatic neuroma #11
Neurofibromatosis #12
Port wine stain #13
Angular chelitis #14
Erosive lichen planus #15
Stevens johnson's syndrome #16
Erythema migrans #17
Secondary syphilis #18
Eschars #19
Traumatic ulcers #20
Mucocele #21
Frey syndrome #22
Cleidocranial dysplasia #23
Kissing lesions #24
Pemphigus vulgaris #25
Histopathology of squamous carcinoma #26
Histopathology of osteosarcoma #27
Histopathology of chondroma #28
Chinese letter pattern #29
Histopathology of papilloma #30
Case Scenario #2
Case Scenario #3
Case Scenario #4
Radiation Physics
Radiation Biology
Radiation Protection and Safety
X Ray Film and Processing
Image Characteristics
Intra Oral Imaging
Ideal X ray
Extra Oral Projections
Radiographs and Indications
Panoramic Radiography
Digital Radiography
Radiation Physics - 1
Radiation Physics -2
Advanced Imaging
Extra Oral Imaging
Intra oral Landmarks
Intra oral Imaging
Panoramic radiography
X ray film processing
X ray film processing -2
Radiation protection and safety
Radiodiagnosis in Implantology
Radiation Biology - 2
X ray film and image Characteristics
X ray film and image Characteristics -2
X ray film and image Characteristics -3
Oral Radiology
Cleidocranial dysostosis #1
Lamina Dura #2
Radiographic survey #3
Unilocular Radiolucencies #4
Multilocular Radiolucencies #5
Radiopaque lesions #6
X ray - High Yield #7
Bucky Factor #8
Cathode #9
Anode #10
Grids #11
Sialolith #1
Standard display images in CBCT #2
Nutrient Canals #3
Symphyseal Suture #4
Nasolcrimal Canal #5
Bush in winter apperance #6
Filling defect in calculi #7
Sausage like pattern #8
Cherry blossom appearance #9
Pruning of tree appearance #10
Ball in hand appearance #11
Tree in winter appearance #12
Thalassemia hair on end appearance #13
Abrasion #14
Internal resorption #15
Condensing osteitis #16
Osteosclerosis #17
Beaten skull appearance #18
Pan sinusitis #19
Parallel angle technique #20
Suturing and Suture Materials
Local Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia 2
Local Anesthetic Techniques- Nerve Block
Local Anesthetic Techniques- Others
Oro Antra Fistula
Fractures of Middle third of face- Lefort Fractures
Fracture of Middle third of face- Fractures of Zygoma
Fractures of Middle third of face- Orbit and Nasal fractures
Basic principle of Management of Maxillofacial Trauma
Treatment Modalities for Mid Face Fractures
Mandibular Fractures
Condylar Fractures
Management of Mandibular Fractures
Odontogenic Infections
Ludwig's Angina
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cysts
Benign Tumors Management
TMJ- Surgical Anatomy
TMJ- Ankylosis
TMJ Disorders
TMJ Disorders 2
Maxillary sinus
Orthognathic surgery
Pre-prosthetic surgeries
Exodontia - 1
Exodontia - 2
Impactions - 1
Complications of Impaction - 2
Suturing and Materials
Local Anesthesia - 2
Local Anesthesia - 3
Mandibular Fractures - 1
Mandibular Fractures - 2
Fractures of Middle Third of Face - 1
Fractures of Middle Third of Face - 2
Odontogenic Infections - 2
Odontogenic Cysts and Tumours - 1
Odontogenic Cysts and Tumours - 2
Odontogenic Cysts and Tumours - 3
Salivary Glands.
TMJ - 2
Pre Prosthetic and Orthognathic surgery
Pre Prosthetic and Orthognathic surgery 2
Oral Surgery Test - 1
Oral Surgery Test - 2
Antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedure
Surgical Blades and Uses
Glasgow coma scale
Forced Duction test
Trapdoor Anomaly
CSF Rhinorrhea
Panda Sign
Signs of basal skull fracture
Lincoln's Highway
Hot Potato Voice
Carnoy Solution
Cap splint
Gunning Splint
Champy's Lines of Osteosynthesis
Common extra oral incisions
Warwick James Elevator #1
Cowhorn Forceps #2
Winter's Cross bar #3
Cryer's Elevator #4
Bard Parker Handles or BP handle #5
Coupland elevators #6
Apexo Elevators #7
Langenback Retractor #8
Obwegeser Ramus retractor #9
Other Elevators #10
Maxillary Thrd Molar Forceps #11
IVY eyelet wiring #12
Gillis temporal approach #13
Wheel and axle principle #14
Lever axle principle #15
Wedge principle #16
Winters line #17
Asche flap #18
Gigli saw #19
Bone file #20
Jaw strecher #21
Role of Muscles in Complete Denture
Anatomical landmarks- Maxilla
Anatomical landmarks- Mandible
Impressions in Complete Denture
Mandibular Movements
Jaw Relation- Orientation Jaw Relation
Jaw Relation- Vertical Jaw Relation
Jaw Relation- Horizontal Jaw Relation
Teeth Selection
Phonetics in Complete Denture
Sequalae of Complete denture
Relining and Rebasing
FPD- Introduction
FPD- Pontics
FPD- Connectors
FPD- Abutments
FPD- Principles of Tooth Preparation
FPD- Finish Lines
FPD- Fluid control and soft tissue management
FPD- Impression making
FPD- Provisional restoration and Temporization
FPD- Resin Bonded FPD
FPD- Various types of crowns
RPD- Classification
RPD- Major Connectors
RPD- Minor Connectors
RPD- Rests and Rest seat
RPD- Direct Retainers
RPD- Indirect Retainer
RPD- Surveying and surveyor
RPD- Principles of RPD design
Lever Action in RPD
Impressions in RPD
RPI and RPA concepts
Special dentures
Anatomical landmarks in CD 1
Anatomical landmarks CD 2
Retention stability and support
Denture base in CD
Jaw Relation - 1
Jaw Relation - 2
Facebow and jaw relation
Facial and functional harmony
Try in Appoinments
Processing of CD
CD post insertion problems
Nutrition in CD
Post insertion issue in CD
Reline and rebase
Finish lines and preparation
Partial and Complete Veneer Crowns
All Ceramic Crowns
Diagnosis and treatment planning in RPD - 1
Diagnosis and treatment planning in RPD - 2
Principles of RPD design
Mouth Preparation and Occlusion for RPD
Impression materials and lab Procedure in RPD
Classification and components of RPD
Classification and components of RPD - 2
Classification and components of RPD-3
Surveying and surveyor
Procedure for making RPD
Other Dentures
Prostho - Miscellaneous
Prosthodontics Test - 1
Prosthodontics Test - 2
Siebert's Classification of residual ridge
FPD various types
FPD- High yield points
Occlusion correction in FPD
Functions of RPD components
Summary of post insertion problems in CD
Implants- High yield points
Implants- Healing Periods
Misch classification of Bone Density
Kennedy's ClasRulessification and Applegate's
Crown remover #1
Palatal Strap #2
Antero-posterior palatal strap #3
Labial bar #4
Ney's Surveyor #5
Jelenko surveyor #6
T Scan #7
Training Flange #8
Speech Bulb Prosthesis #9
Loop Connector #10
Nesbit Prosthesis #11
Growth and Development
Development of Dentition
Oral Habits
Child Psycology
Learning and Development of Behaviour
Behaviour Management- Non pharmaological Methods
Behaviour Management- Pharmacological Methods
Dental caries
Diagnosis of caries
Artificial sugar substitutes
Pediatric operative dentistry
Pediatric Endodontics- Pulp capping
Pediatric Endodontics- Pulpotomy
Pediatric Endodontics- Pulpectomy
Preventive Pedodontics- Topical Fluorides
Preventive pedodontics- Pit and fissure sealants
Mechanical Plaque Control
Space maintenance
Child Abuse
Development of dentition.
Growth and development.
Habits - 1
Habits - 2
Habits - 3
Dental caries - 1
Dental caries - 2
Dental caries - 3
Dental caries - 4
Pediatric operative dentistry - 1
Pediatric operative dentistry - 2
Pediatric endodontics - 1
Pediatric endodontics - 2
Pediatric endodontics - 3
Pediatric gingival diseases - 1
Pediatric gingival diseases - 2
Pediatric gingival diseases - 3
Pediatric minor surgical procedures -1
Pediatric minor surgical procedures - 2
Pediatric minor surgical procedures - 3
Space management - 1
Space management - 2
Traumatic injuries - 1
Traumatic injuries - 2
Traumatic injuries - 3
Treatment of special child - 1
Treatment of special child - 2
Forensic pedodontics
Child Psychology and Behavioral Modification - 1
Child Psychology and Behavioral Modification - 2
Child Psychology and Behavioral Modification - 3
Child Psychology and Behavioral Modification - 4
Preventive Pedodontics - 1
Preventive Pedodontics - 2
Pedodontics- Misc
Pedodontics Test 1
Pedodontics Test 2
Chronology of Primary tooth
Classification of Child Development
Types of Cry
Frankel's Behaviour Rating Scale
Maternal Attitude
Calculation of Pediatric drug dosage
Stainless steel crowns
Caries Risk Assessment Tool
Hawthorne Effect
Frank's Criteria for Apexification
Eruption Hematoma #1
Natal and Neonatal teeth #2
Blue grass appliance #3
Habermann Feeder #4
Mead johnson Cleft palate Nurser #5
Nance method of serial extraction D4C #6
Moyers method of serial extraction BCD4 #7
Dewel method of serial extraction CD4 #8
Tweeds method of serial extraction DC4 #9
Distal shoe space maintainer #10
Transpalatal arch #11
Nance palatal arch #12
Lingual arch #13
Band and bar space maintainer #14
Reverse band and loop space maintainer #15
Crown and loop space maintainer #16
Band and loop space maintainer #17
Enamel hypoplasia #18
New millenium crowns #19
Pedo jacket #20
Polycarbonate crowns #21
Pedo pearls #22
Cheng crowns #23
Dura crowns #24
Kinder crowns #25
Periodontal Microbiology
Clinical features of Gingivitis
Acute Gingival Infections
Gingival Enlargement
Periodontal Pocket
Patterns Of Bone Destruction
Chronic periodontitis
Mechanical Plaque control
Chemical Plaque Control
Furcation involvement and Management
Periodontal Instrumentation 1
Periodontal Instrumentation 2
Periodontal Flaps
Periodontal Regeneration
Mucogingival Surgery
Resective Osseous Surgery
Periodontal Wound Healing
Prognosis and Treatment plan
Smoking and Periodontium
Trauma from Occlusion
Cementum - 1
Cementum -2
Periodontal ligament - 1
Periodontal ligament - 2
Gingiva -1.
Gingiva - 2.
Gingival enlargements -1
Gingival enlargement - 2
Gingival Enlargement - 3
Acute Gingival Diseases and Gingival Diseases of Childhood - 1
Acute Gingival Diseases and Gingival Diseases of Childhood - 2
Defence mechanism of gingiva
Pattern of bone loss
Trauma from occlusion - 1
Trauma from occlusion - 2
Periodontal pockets - 1
Periodontal pockets - 2
Radiographic diagnostic aids
Smoking and periodontium
Calculus and predisposing factors
Chronic Periodontitis - 1
Chronic Periodontitis - 2
Diagnosis and prognosis
Flap surgery - 1
Flap surgery - 2
Resective osseous surgery - 1
Resective osseous surgery - 2
Plaque control- brushing
Plaque control- Other techniques
Advancements in periodontics
Non surgical periodontal therapy - 1
Non surgical periodontal therapy - 2
Desquamative gingivitis
Host Response
Periodontal Microbiology - 1
Periodontal Microbiology - 2
Periodontics Test -1
Periodontics Test -2
Fremitus Test
Local delivery of antiseptic agent
Supragingival Vs Subgingival Calculus
Calibration of different probes
Pericoronitis #1
Stillman clefts and Mcall festoons #2
Fenestrations #3
Dehiscense #4
Still man's cleft #5
Mccall festoons #6
Palmar plantar keratosis #7
Healing abutment #8
Reverse architecture #9
Two walled defect #10
Combined wall defect #11
Figure of eight sutures #12
Matress suture horizontal #13
Nabers probe #14
Schwartz pierotrievers #15
Perioscopy system #16
Black triangle #17
Implant distance #18
Rubber cups #19
Chisel scalers #20
Quetin furcation curettes #21
Cumine scalers #22
Surface scaler #23
Jaquette scaler #24
True pressure sensitive probe #25
Endo- Pulpal Diagnosis
Endo-Periapical Pathology and Microbiology
Endo- Root Canal Anatomy
Endo- Access Cavity Preparation
Endo- Working Length Determination
Endo- Biomechanical Preparation
Endo- Endodontic Instruments
Endo- Irrigation
Endo- Intra Canal Medicaments
Endo- Obturation
Endo- Surgical Endodontics
Endo- Restoration of Endodontically treated teeth
Endo- Failures and retreatment
Traumatology 1
Traumatology 2- Avulsion
Cons- Cariology
Cons- Hand Cutting Instruments
Cons- Rotary Instruments
Cons- Composite Restorations
Diagnosis and Principles of cavity preparation
Patient evaluation and Planning
Instruments and Equipments for Tooth Prep - 1
Instruments and Equipments for Tooth Prep - 2
Amalgam - 1
Amalgam - 2
Amalgam - 3
Cast Gold Restorations
Isolation of operating field
Pin Retained Restorations
Composites - 1
Composites - 2
Conservative esthetic procedures
Margins of tooth preparations and restorations
Fundamentals in Cavity preparation
Pulp Protection
Direct filling Gold - 1
Direct filling Gold - 2
Instrumentations - 1
Instrumentations - 2
Diseases of pulp and periradicular tissues
Diagnosis and treatment planning -1
Diagnosis and treatment planning - 2
Diagnosis and treatment planning - 3
Access cavity preparation
Bio-Mechanics - 2
Bio-Mechanics - 3
Disinfection and Obturation - 1
Disinfection and Obturation - 2
Disinfection and Obturation - 3
Traumatology - 2
Bleaching .
Success and outcome in endodontic therapy - 1
Success and outcome in endodontic therapy - 2
Surgical Endodontics - 1
Surgical Endodontics - 2
Intra canal Medications
Laser in Endodontics
Endodontic Instruments and Sterilisation - 1
Pulp Capping -
Conservative Dentistry & Endo - Test 1
Conservative Dentistry & Endo - Test 2
Sotokowa's Classification of Damaged Instruments
Comparison of various Biomechanical preparations
Gutta Percha Removal
Instruments and Speed
Antibiotic pastes in regenerative endodontics
Colour coding of hand instruments
Management of Pulpal Exposure
Rubberdam clamp suffixes
Weine's Modification of working length
Mahler Scale
Baldwin technique
Factors causing caries
Generations of Apex Locators
Development of Rotary NiTi systems
Tooth slooth #1
Electrical Pulp Tester #2
Internal resorption #3
Rubber Dam Clamps #4
Rubber dam Clamp Forceps #5
Rubber Dam Punch #6
Rubber Dam Frames #7
C shaped canal and its types #8
Mandibular right first molar #9
Bur blade design #10
Apex locator #11
Case scenario #4
Case scenario #5
Case scenario #6
Case scenario #7
Introduction to Orthodontics
Basic Concepts of Growth and Development
Theories of growth and development
Classification of Malocclusion
Etiology of Malocclusion
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Skeletal Maturity Indicators
Model Analysis
Mechanics of Tooth Movement
Biology of tooth movement
Theories of Tooth Movement
Methods of Gaining Space- Proximal stripping
Methods of Gaining Space- Expansion
Methods of gaining space- Distalization
Methods of gaining space- Extraction
Myofunctional Appliances
Orthopedic Appliances
Preventive Orthodontics
Interceptive Orthodontics
Removable Orthodontic Appliances
Evolution of Fixed Orthodontic appliances
Components of Fixed Orthodontics- Brackets and Wires
Components of Fixed Orthodontics- Misc
Orthodontic Materials
Class I corrective orthodontics- Open bite
Class I corrective orthodontics- Deep bite
Class I corrective orthodontics- Cross bite
Class II Corrective Orthodontics
Class III corrective Orthodontics
Retention and Relapse
Cleft Lip and Palate
Introduction and history of orthodontics
Development of dentition
Growth and development - 1
Growth and development - 2
Growth and development -3
Classification and etiology of malocclusion
Methods of gaining space
Corrective Orthodontics
Myofunctional and Orthopedic Appliances
Myofunctional and Orthopedic Appliances 2
Removable appliances
Fixed Appliances
Biology of Tooth Movement
Mechanics of tooth Movement
Retention and relapse
Cleft lip and palate
Orthodontics Test 1
Orthodontics Test 2
Study Models
Safety Valve Mechanism
Wetzel Grid
Ugly Duckling Stage
Andrew's Six Keys to Occlusion
Transient Malocclusions
Wolff's Law
Buccinator Mechanism
Twin Block #1
Herbst appliance #2
Petit Facemask #3
Pendulum appliance #4
Nance palatal arch #5
Kesling separators #6
Kansal Separators #7
Brass Wire Separators #8
Hyrax appliance #9
Anterior mandibular bite plane #10
Parts of adam clasp #11
Bracket positioning gauge #12
Hass appliance #13
Coffins spring #14
Posterior bite plane #15
Ackermann profit classification #16
Scammons growth curve #17
Pendex and T Rex Appliance #18
Distal Jet Appliance #19
Triangular clasp #20
Southend clasp #21
Delta clasp #22
Jacksons clasp #23
Fast back appliance #24
Jones jig and Carriere distalizer #25
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
History and Landmarks in Public health
Concept of Health and Disease
Prevention and Primary Health Care
Epidemiology - Introduction
Epidemiological Triad and Iceberg
Epidemiological Study
Water - Sources
Water Pollution and Indicators
Water Borne Diseases
Drinking Water Guidelines
Hardness of water
Purification of water
Sand Filters
Membrane Process of Purification
Hospital Waste Management
Tests of Significance- Parametric tests
Tests of significance- Non- Parametric Tests
Caries activity tests
Auxillary Health Worker
Bias and Blinding
Biostatistics - 1
Biostatistics - 2
Cariology and Prevention - 1
Cariology and Prevention - 2
Concept of epidemiology - 1
Concept of epidemiology - 2
Dental fee payment
Diet counselling
Forensic odontology
Incidence and prevalence
Different types of epidemiology - 1
Different types of epidemiology - 2
Different types of epidemiology - 3
Different types of epidemiology - 4
Indices - 1
Indices - 2
Indices - 3
Data Representation
Jurisprudence and ethics
Oral hygiene methods and dental health education
Community Medicine - 1
Community Medicine - 2
Pit and fissure sealants
Preventive and social medicine
Risk and odds ratio
Sampling and techniques
Water and waste disposal
Statistical tests of significance 1
Statistical tests of significance 2
Communicability #1
Screening Tests #2
Case Fatality Rate #3
Elements of Counselling #4
Reference Men and Women #5
Sampling and Sampling Methods #6
Cariogram #7
Fluoride Belt #8
Hospital waste #9
Colour coding of biomedical waste #10
Stephan's curve #11
Keye's Triad #12
Fluoride dose in children #13
Fluoride concentration and its effect #14
Fluoride value and formulations #15
Galagan and Vermillion Formula #16
Formulas in epidemiology #17
ICDS Logo #1
Histogram #2
DOTS Logo #3
UNICEF Logo #4
James Lind #5
Robert koch #6
World bank symbol #8
Rome international health agency #9
WHO symbol #11
Pesticides toxicity labels #12
HIV/AIDS symbol #13
NRHM #14
Edward jenner #15
Louis pasteur #16
John snow #17
Bio medical waste management #18
International red cross #19
Bio hazard #20
Public Health Dentistry Test 1
Public Health Dentistry Test 2
Implantology- BASICS-I
Implantology- BASICS II
Implantology- Classification
Implantology- Components
Implantology- Treatment
Implantology Q Bank
Surgical Considerations in Implantology
Implantology subject wise test
Components of an Implant Prosthesis
Criteria for implant success
Physiodispenser #1
Gingival former #2
Carbon and titanium curette #3
Positioning of implant #4
Classic trough type defect in periimplantitis #5
Resonance frequency analysis #6
Periotest #7
Computer software program- dentascan #8
Computer software program -Simplant #9
Computer software program -Carestream #10
Round bur technique #11
Trepan technique #12
Jumping distance or critical space #13
Surgical guide #14
Endosseous implants #15
Root form implants -Cylindrical implants #16
Pitch #17
Crestal module #18
Implants #19
Pin type implant #20
Transmandibular implants #21
Mini implants #22
INI-CET Mock 2020
GT - 1
GT - 2
GT 3
GT - 4
GT - 5
GT 6
GT 7
GT 8
INI-CET Mock 2021
GT 9
GT 10
GT 11
GT 12
GT 13
GT 14
GT 15
NEET 2022 Mock Exam
Grand Test Revision
Mark Distribution
Time Table for Beginners
Revision Time table