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Published on Mar 18, 2022
Mind set for victory !
Have you all wondered why the toppers are constantly the same throughout the school, college and the exam ? It's not just primarily about reading alone. It has more to do with the mindset of the topper. !

Mind set of a topper !
  • Never think twice to do something ! - Most students think should we read this topic, is it important for exams, will questions come from the topic - Toppers read it irrespective of the thought ! At the end of the day it's a subject it's a concept and it will be useful at some point of time
  • Should I give tests, when i have pending subjects ? - Toppers give tests regularly -  they allocate some time to give exams and also revise

These are two basic quality of a topper -  Be one ! Decide today and do not look back !  - AmalgmGt series - Offers 15 GT with 240 questions, answers and explanations - @Rs. 500 - Give your best to crack the NEET MDS ! -  Purchase the pack here and start giving GTs