The video attendance feature is currently experiencing some issues and is not functioning as expected. Our team is actively working on a fix, and we will provide an update soon.


AmalgmPG Student Ambassador

Dear StudentsAmalgmPG is in the growth phase and we have hit close to 150 hours of video lectures in different topics. We need student ambassadors who will be working with us for a long term. It's a paid job with a monthly pay of Rs. 5000/- work from home. Ping us if you are an entrepreneur and let's learn and earn ! Whatsap usTeam Amalgm

Happy Doctors Day !

A doctor is someone who is learned. !  We are professionals who have possess the knowledge which helps in curing the ailments of the population. Being proud on this aspect there are few things which pulls down doctors. -  Our stringent teaching schedule, OPD timings, Odd hour visit, continuous need to learn - and the struggle to come up successful despite all this ! And we as a community has done it time and again and let's take an oath this Doctors day  That we will take care of our needsThat our health is important as the patient's if not moreThat we will not kneed to any demands of the materialistic world and practice medicine as it is supposed to be ! Let's be happy this year and let that be our only goal on this Happy Doctor's day. !


AmalgmPg is one of the most sorted online app for MDS prep with AUTHENTIC Content. We shall be starting our daily free tests for this academic year. All students preparing for the NEET MDS prep - can get a free one week subscription for the same by just sharing the AmalgmPG app in their college whats app groups. ! #shareandlearn Share the downloadable link of AmalgmPg with a customised message and claim your free trial. Whatsap us for the same Whatsap US


 INICET MAY Rank 1 - Consistency is the key -  Dr. Aravindh Krishna has registered to AmalgmPG app since July 2020.  Two exams in a row -  INICET Nov and May Rank 1 - AmalgmPG users ! Register to Amalgm Plans today  and be a winner. -  Whatsap Us for Topper's Discount !


Which of the following doesnt cause bloody diarrhea ?CholeraSalmonellaShigellaEcoli Answer is A Straight from AmalgmPG notes -  We have clearly mentioned that late complication of salmonella as GI bleeding, which can result in. blood mixed diarrhea. EHEC variant of E-coli and Shigella is known to cause Bloody diarrhea. (Source - Gram -ve Bacteriology notes of AmalgmPG)The AmalgmPG content will have close to 70-75% strike rate of the recent NEET MDS 20222 ! To celebrate the success AmalgmPG slashes the prizes for the next 3 days -  AmalgmPG Plan C - Entire course for a year - Videos, Q bank, Notes, Images, Scenarios, high yield points -  Just. Rs.3000/-  AmalgmPG Plan B -  Entire course for a year -  Q bank, Notes, Images, Scenarios, high yield points -  Just. Rs.1499/- 

What to do now ??

Now with the NEET MDS over. - there are a few take home messages. Reading one liner alone is not going to help in coming on the topImages and scenario based questions are more important than the routine mugging up of one linersThe paper was average and there will be more cluttering - The person who will emerge victorious are the one who will cracked the Part B -  Cases and ImagesOnly at AmalgmPg you can have the ongoing modification of contents and we shall make it sure the content will be the GOLDSTANDARD for all dental exams. PS :  WE ARE LOOKING AT THE QUESTIONS ASKED AND TRYING TO MAP TO THE AMALGM -Q BANK AND NOTES, VIDEOS - We are proud to say - The AmalgmPG content will have close to 70-75% strike rate of the recent NEET MDS 20222 ! To celebrate the success AmalgmPG slashes the prizes for the next 3 days - AmalgmPG Plan C - Entire course for a year - Videos, Q bank, Notes, Images, Scenarios, high yield points -  Just. Rs.3000/- AmalgmPG Plan B -  Entire course for a year -  Q bank, Notes, Images, Scenarios, high yield points -  Just. Rs.1499/- 

Calling for Students Ambassadors

Dear Students,We are calling out for dental student ambassadors -  Work is simple to share creatives and questions in your college whats'ap group.  3 posts per week basis. As a return the Student Ambassadors will be having access to AmalgmPG - Q bank, Tests, Notes, Case scenarios till they continue to share the links to their college whatsap group.We welcome anyone from BDS 1year to Internship for the same role ! Ping us on whatsap - Whatsap

How to access your progress

Most common error done by students -  Solving questions individually and reading explanations immediately. That's very good at the starting point of prep (AmalgmPG Q bank solves the purpose)At this juncture of preparation - the best thing to do is to make sure the GRAND test are given in frequent intervals - GTs show the real strength of your prep and its never late to improve yourself !Decide today and do not look back !  - AmalgmGt series - Offers 15 GT with 240 questions, answers and explanations - @Rs. 500 - Give your best to crack the NEET MDS ! -  Purchase the pack here and start giving GTs

Mind set for victory !

Have you all wondered why the toppers are constantly the same throughout the school, college and the exam ? It's not just primarily about reading alone. It has more to do with the mindset of the topper. !Mind set of a topper !Never think twice to do something ! - Most students think should we read this topic, is it important for exams, will questions come from the topic - Toppers read it irrespective of the thought ! At the end of the day it's a subject it's a concept and it will be useful at some point of timeShould I give tests, when i have pending subjects ? - Toppers give tests regularly -  they allocate some time to give exams and also reviseThese are two basic quality of a topper -  Be one ! Decide today and do not look back !  - AmalgmGt series - Offers 15 GT with 240 questions, answers and explanations - @Rs. 500 - Give your best to crack the NEET MDS ! -  Purchase the pack here and start giving GTs

The path to success!

The path to success is to do something without much focus about the result. NEET MDS is hardly two month from now - the best is to believe and give GT's  - totally 15 GT in the amalgmpg app will be a perfect place to start the prep. With your 1000s of competitors already using the app - this will be the right spot to start and compete with them,15 GT's. -  240 questions with answer and explanation at just Rs.500/- - Give your best to crack the NEET MDS ! -  Purchase the pack here and start giving GTs